I give you... Larry Justin Timothy Johnson.

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (so cool, you don't have to go to school on your big day anymore, so... thumbs up.)
Second, have a great day cuz you like SO deserve one !!! ( cuz member like when you were little and um- we'd make long lists for you, you'd jump the back fence (ran like hell) to Wayne's Liquor (only candy) and the Pharmacy (only candy here too) then you'd book it back before Mom and Papa got home? - Meh, member that? That was awesome.)
Third, thanks for ALWAYS making me laugh!!! (Okay well like NOT always. I mean like for YEARS you'd try to make me laugh and I'd look at you like you had crap on your face. It's cool that's changed huh?)
Fourth, I SO LOVE the way you LOVE the Wace! (Like when you bought JT tickets for Bethanne and let her take me. We were about to leave and you were looking down at the Wace as you rocked her and I saw something watery in your eye and I was ALL," Did you want to go with BA? Cuz I can stay here with the Wace?" By then I think the fan was blowing in your eyes cuz you eyes were FULL of water. Still lookin' at Wace you said "She's just getting SO big." I later heard you had post-partum or somethin'- total bummer.
Fifth- okay no more numbers!
- It's fun how much you like the Lakers. You are NO fair weather fan, even under the weather you drive to Cali for games!
-Thanks for letting me sleep with you when we were younger,( when my heart would get broken I would crawl in your bed in the middle of the night (with the family dog in there too) trying to cry quietly (dumb boys) you are such a comfort to be around. I'm sure this bothered you but you NEVER led on, thank you.
-Bono is your man (were you really gonna name the Wace that?) One of my favorite things is our random texts to each other over the years, one starts a U2 song and the other finishes the rest of it. We are cool.
-You are always there for me, ALWAYS.
So Like HaPpY BIrThDaY bro! You are the cooliest, intelligent, sweetest, funniest little bro like EVER!!!
umm.. timmy, l love you.
Oh this is sooo awesome! Timmy ROCKS!! I have a GREAT photo of Timmy getting into the car heading to LA for a Lakers game with a BARF BOWL in his hand! The look on his face is PATHETICaLY AWESOME. It would fit sooo nicely in this blog!! I love the part about The Wace getting "SO BIG"! Awwww. Timmy is an awesome daddy! Good job Em!
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